Bulk update
Simple task to help you with updating existing gift cards in your store. It is going to be useful when you need to:
disable gift cards
set (or update) expiration dates
assign customer to a gift card (this automatically sends gift card email)
update gift card note
To bulk update your gift cards you need to update a file. File template can be found here.
You don't need to include in your source file all columns from template file. Only required column is gift_card_id.
Tip: you can easily export gift cards you want to update from Shopify Backend. Just go to Products -> Gift cards -> Select gift cards you need to update -> Export (top right corner) -> Plain CSV file -> Export gift cards
You can also use file that is generated and sent to your email when you bulk create gift cards in our app.
Disabling gift cards
To disable gift cards you would need to keep two columns in your source file:
gift_card_id - id of existing gift card
disabled - set column values to TRUE
Shopify does not allow enabling disabled gift card.
When your source file is ready you can upload it here:
At very bottom you are going to see what columns and how many rows were found in your source file. If this looks correct you can click Create and wait for the process to finish
Set/update expiration dates
Required columns
gift_card_id - id of existing gift card
expires_on - accepted format is: YYYY-MM-DD
You can update expiration dates multiple times.
Assign customer to a gift card
Required columns:
gift_card_id - id of existing gift card
customer_id OR email
If customer with provided email address does not exists in your store - app is going to automatically create customer with that email.
When assigning customer to a gift card - Shopify automatically sends a gift card email to that customer. You can edit the template of the email in Settings -> Notifications -> Gift card created
Updating gift card note
Required columns:
gift_card_id - id of existing gift card
Gift card note is not visible to customer. It is only for your internal usage and you can look it up when selecting gift card in Products -> Gift cards.
Tip: you can combine multiple columns in one file. In such case app would try to update all properties provided in source file
Last updated